Thursday, March 9, 2017

You went a tea shop with your younger sister who is just 4. After few minutes you saw she was not there. What were your feelings at that time? How did you find her? What lesson did you get from that incident?

My younger sister has always been attached to me. Wherever I go, she always insists to go with me. Same thing happened that day, my friends and I were having some gathering in a nearby tea shop, and while I was leaving my little sister Abiha, who’s only 4 years old, entreated to go with me. I agreed on taking her with myself. We went there, had greetings with my friends. Abiha was playing with some children in the shop. After an hour when we were about to go home, I searched 
for Abiha but she wasn’t anywhere. I shouted calling her name, but she didn’t give
any response.

I didn’t know what to do. I was crying. I was in the state of complete desperation. I searched everywhere, in the shop, outside the shop, in nearby shops, but I couldn’t find her. Suddenly, my friend showed the CCTV cameras. I talked to the owner of shop. And requested him to allow me to watch the CCTV videos.
After watching every video, and inspecting them carefully, I found that Abiha
was under a table in the shop. When I looked under the table, I found her sleeping, hugging her teddy bear tightly. She was looking so innocent. I woke her up and took her home.
That day I learned a lesson “never to be careless”. That day I promised myself
that I’ll always be careful. And that I’ll take care of her.

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