Sunday, October 29, 2017

Yes, you can send your name out of this world — to Mars. Here's how

Here's your big chance to send your name out of this Mars! The Mars InSight Lander will carry your name to the Red Planet.Here's how: Sign up now
Deadline: November 11, 2017
Launch: May 2018
Mission: Study Mars' interior
Detail: Reveal how the rocky planets formed

Virtual walk on Mars

To get an idea of what's "life" like in Mars right these days, you can take a virtual walk on the Red Planet.
How did the smart guys at Nasa do it?
Real data from @MarsCuriosity, the rover sent to Mars in November 2011 and landed on August 6, 2012, took these pictures.
Nasa used the data and pictures to create this "immersive" experience that lets you to walk on Mars.  
Link of official site Nase

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