Thursday, December 8, 2016

Q: You went to a tea shop with your younger sister who is just4. After few minutes you saw she was not there. What were you feeling at that time? How did you find her? What lesson did you get from that incident?

It was the sunny and pleasant morning of Sunday. Everything seemed to be charming. School was off so I decided to go out for tea to get some recreation. I asked my younger sister to come and she agreed. I took my bike out garage and asked my sister to sit on back. We traveled half an hour and then we reached Taj Tea Shop. We entered the hotel and I pointed a chair to my sister and told him to sit there. I went to buy some cakes from tuck shop and to order tea.    When after few minutes I came back I was astonished to see that my sister was not on her chair. For once everything seemed standstill to me. It started goose-pimples on my skin. I started to search her in every nook and corner for the tea shop. I asked each and every person present there but everyone refused to see her. I went outside and started asking people about her but everyone's reply was no. I was unable to decide what I should do now. Headache started in my head. My heart was beating like jungle. My whole body was trembling. Sweat was pouring rapidly from my face. I was so depressed and crestfallen.  Despair was battering my bastions of courage and hope.     I was crestfallen and was thinking that it is only my shortcoming that I left her alone even after knowing that she is just 4. I was very helpless praying and looking for some miracle. Suddenly a middle aged man having turban on his head clicked my shoulder from back. He asked me has your sister lost? I eagerly replied yes! A ray of hope stirred within me when he asked me to follow him. I was following him and he took me to the mosque. When I entered in the mosque. My sisterly crying ran towards me shouting brother. She hugged me very hardly like we're meeting after years. She was crying and saying brother please don't leave me alone. I missed you very much. I felt fearful without you. She was talking to me but I was in dreams. I thought I have got a new life. Again everything started to look charming in front of me. I was feeling like the happiest person in the world. I thanked and said good bye to who brought me to my sister who was actually a pupil of Mosque's Imam. From this life changing incident I got two lessons. First we must be very conscious and careful about children's care. Second the world is still full of great people and Humanity is still alive. 

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