Thursday, December 8, 2016

Last evening you had flu and fever. You were weak and nervous because of that bad condition. Took dose of wrong medicine. What happened next? How did you get to your normal condition? What effects this medicine had on you?

Last evening all my family members had gone to my cousin’s marriage. But I couldn’t go because I had bad flu and fever. I was feeling very sick. I was coughing constantly. My body was continuously shivering due to illness. I was so weak and nervous that I couldn’t even speak.
    I was very crest fallen and depressed. I was just unmindful and oblivious. I scrambled off to medicine room to take some medicine. Just after taking dose of medicine I was shocked because I had taken wrong dose of medicine. At the same, the medicine started its side effects. My consciousness increased. My head started to ache just like someone battering it with iron axe. Everything in front of my eyes blurred. Before I was only coughing now it started vomiting. I was very confused and overwhelmed when saw I’m vomiting blood. I knew I’m doomed. What happened to me after that I don’t know because my eyes had blacked out.
    When I opened my eyes, I was in hospital. Many pipes were attached to my body. Doctor was telling my father that it all happened of taking wrong medicine. But now your child is out of danger you can take him to home.
   I thanked God that I’m alive. I felt very sorry on my mistake because it could be a life taking. After taking medicines for a month I came back to my original and healthy state. That medicine has still some effects on my health. I often feel sleepy and unconscious due to it.

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